I am tall. I am supermodel tall. I am not a supermodel. I have curves. My body does occasionally zig where it should zag. I appreciate your consideration of this fact. What I do not appreciate, however, is that your idea of a pair of "tall" pants means an extra two inches on the end of the pant leg and does not, in fact, take into account that being tall means the rest of the body is also elongated. Instead, your "tall" pants make me feel like I'm wearing thong underwear. Backwards. While jogging.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you. Truly, BH
This is for my old roommate's now-husband, who used to think it was funny to imitate velociraptors at 3 am when I just wanted to sleep. Ah, the good old days...
I've been pondering a tattoo. And I finally found something that I would consider having on my body for all eternity. I'm completely aware that there are probably 4,275 women across the country sporting this same work of art on their respective limbs. But as a good friend told me recently, if you're going to have a tattoo then it needs to freaking mean something.
My life lately has been leading me on this journey of assurance of peace and the experience of grace - two things that have seemed just-out-of-reach for a long time. In no way am I truly 'good' with myself, but I'm getting there, and I can honestly say it's not of my own doing. Therefore, if I were going to have something permanently bonded to my skin, I would want it to be a reminder of the path I'm on and where I'm headed. I would want it to be something that speaks of greater Good, of hope, and of being at peace with myself and God. I leave myself the option of chickening out (needles scare the noodles out of me) but if I don't, this is what I'll be sporting:
Ah, Picasso. I don't always dig your stuff, but this one rocks.
I've been sitting here at my desk listening to my 2005 recital and my head's just been spinning in 427 different directions.
In the name of my musical soul, I recently made a huge decision to halve my hours at the firm and double my hours at my church (where I'm the Director of Music). While this decision provides me with glee and joy, it's now making the firm seem even more soul-sucking in comparison. Argh! make that 428.
I love what I do at the church and that's why I am so excited to be writing and composing and directing and practicing, etc. But for 20 hours a week I sit here at this desk and ponder. and contemplate. and Google. Not a good combination. Several of my friends are starting major careers (hellooooo Met) and it's very easy to get discouraged about the fact that I'm not. At least, not yet. 429.
But as I've been sitting here writing and re-writing this blog, the thought occurred to me that even if it doesn't look like what I initially expected, I truly believe that I will be successful. Even if it doesn't come with my own wikipedia entry. So, I'm glad that I nudged myself out of my rut and took a chance. It might not seem like a huge risk to those of you reading this (if anyone is), but I was getting really comfortable here at this desk. I had started thinking of careers that didn't revolve around music (wedding planning, anyone?) and I had stopped thinking of myself as a musician. And now, well, now I have the opportunity to stretch those parts of me that had started to atrophy. Now I have the opportunity, every day, to sit at a beautiful grand piano in a huge room and just sing. And I'm gonna get paid for it.
Hmm. When I put it that way, 20 hours seems like a small price to pay. Dang it. I was going to title this post "General Malaise Monday." Now I have to think of a new title. 430.
Update: Blogging Skills 102: how to include music in a post. Huzzah!
You've got to be kidding me. I just spent two hours writing a blog, and just as I was finishing up with some images, IE goes all crackhead on me and shuts down. and of course, the 'automatic draft' that blogger promised me is NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. doesn't exist.
this sucks.
I'll just say that i watched a crap ton of TVDVD this weekend, including the first six episodes of Arrested Development, first four episodes of Ugly Betty, and finished up Season 2 of The Office. Also read You Suck by Christopher Moore and it was hysterical. You don't even have to like vampires. But you should read Bloodsucking Fiends first, because it's also funny. Also, it came first. But right now i'm so peeved that i don't want to write anymore. So i leave you with this taste of my former blog. I call it "Guys in Ties, Apparently."
"...be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now." Rainer Maria Rilke