Friday, November 16, 2007

Waaaaaay Too Long.

Oh my. It’s been a while. Je m’excuse! (to all four of you that read this…)

Mind is currently full of lots of things, not the least being Thanksgiving and the bf’s impending arrival home. Yippee! But that’s not until next Wednesday in the wee early morn, and I have much to do before then.

Thought I cracked a rib this week, but couldn’t figure out how in the blazes it would have happened. I don’t remember falling, or running into any walls (harder than usual), or any sort of blunt trauma to my midsection. But it hurt like hell and I felt like I was going to puncture my lung every time I yawned or laughed or hiccupped. Do you KNOW how hard it is to avoid a hiccup? I don’t recommend it. Also, my shoulder and left arm were going numb and tingly, and that’s just not good. Turns out it’s all connected and stems from having receptionist syndrome (leaning on my left elbow to answer the phone, holding the phone between my shoulder and head while I type, ergonomically incorrect chairs, blah blah blah) and dealing with the two 25 lb. dogs (i've been housesitting/petsitting) that like to jerk my limbs off and run in opposite directions. Thank goodness that it’s Friday and I get to go home to my own elderly pets and a backyard with a fence. It’s the little things.

Got the for-sure-yes-yes-ok-go-ahead on Croatia this week. Fundraising comes next, but I am incredibly excited. Started my passport paperwork, so that’s good. Might be cutting it a bit close, but I think it’ll be ok. I don’t think there’s anything too dark and dirty in my past to hold the process up. (Gotta have a little bit, or life wouldn’t be interesting.)

I’m finding myself slightly blocked when it comes to writing the narrative for my Christmas concert at church. I’m hoping it comes together soon, seeing as the program is on December 9th. Eeek. I find that I have a ton of ideas, but then my brain just starts going in fourteen hundred million directions and I lose that one thread. I don’t really know how to fix that. Any ideas outside of self-lobotomies?

Thanksgiving is coming. I like Thanksgiving. I like the smells and the tastes and the people and the warmth and everything that goes with it. But this year will be so vastly different in terms of the people around our table and those who are no longer with us. I’m just not sure how (or if) it’s going to hit me. I would hope that a year to process would be enough time, but there’s just no telling what sort of triggers lie beneath the surface… let’s hope it’s not the sweet potatoes! I like me some sweet potatoes. With marshmallows, natch.

New hair is fantastic. I’m rocking it. (Random, but that’s what this whole post is turning out to be. Deal with it.)

Also, my dear, dear friend moved to Chicago two weeks ago. Every Saturday for the past year we have had breakfast together. If we couldn’t meet for breakfast, we would make sure to meet for some other meal. She has been my sounding board, my partner in crime, my foodie buddy, my shoulder to cry on, my ‘boys are dumb and we love them’ compatriot, and the one to whom I knew I could say off the wall things without fear of judgment. I love you, C, and I miss you terribly. Eat a fruit tart for me, k? A and I will just have to hold down the fort without you.

Oh, and because I promised myself I would post something to this effect…

Brünnheather’s List of Fab Christmas Music:

(In no particular order; shuffling is encouraged.)

This album is a vision. Only song I don't really like is "Happy Xmas (War is Over)" but then, I've never liked that song, so it doesn't count. Her arrangements are exquisite and if "Wintersong" (the song) doesn't make you choke up just a bit, then deine brust is most definitely schwarz.

I rarely watch the TV special, but this CD is a mainstay of my Christmas collection. Vince Guaraldi is a fantastic jazz pianist (check out his non-Christmas trio stuff for perfect cocktail party music) and his voicings (major major seven chords RULE) and harmonic structures make even simple songs glamourous.

I'm sure none of you have heard of her. It's cool. Really. Just check out this album. Very fun, very light production, and there is a sweetness about this album that just makes people smile, but stops short of sugar shock. Her voice is not nearly as ethereal as Sarah's, but it's fresh and wholesome and reminds me of cold snow and hot chocolate.

A must. Wynton is known as being an incredible trumpeter and bandleader, and this album's no exception - the band is incredibly tight. And even though I can't stand her, Kathleen "Diva" Battle is stunning on "Silent Night."

Last, but absolutely not least... Ella. Oh sweet Ella. Ella of the impeccable phrasing, improvisational aptitude and infectious joy. She makes it sound so easy, but more importantly, she makes it sound fun.

Cheers, friends.


Beckylooo said...

I wish I shared your enthusiasm for the holiday. I can get behind stuffing but I'm not a fan of Turkey.

Lots of good holiday musical suggestions... Merci.

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