Monday, October 1, 2007


Headaches are not fun. Could be the crappy sleep I experienced last night. Could be the scrumptious half-brownie I had at staff meeting this morning and am now regretting (oh sugar, how you smite me). Could be that I am oh. so. ready. to be on the plane to Arizona via Vegas and my delicious other-half.

Could also be the fact that whenever fall rolls around I start thinking about school and how much I enjoyed it. Even though I'm on this current self-analysis kick relating directly to how much I've structured my life around good grades and approval, I can't help but think that an Artist's Diploma might be a great way to bide my time as my voice develops and as I figure out what the heck I'm doing with my art. Which led me to Roosevelt University in Chicago. They've got a great AD program in conjunction with Chicago Opera Theatre - one semester you study whatever it was that your previous coursework lacked, and then the next semester you sing on stage. The next year is rinse and repeat. Sounds like a good gig, no?

It's at least something to ponder. Of course, I really have no idea where I (we) will be in a year, which makes it hard to plot my course.

Oh for crying out loud. I need to enjoy what I'm doing right now and not get bogged down by what others are doing. THIS IS MY PATH, darnit!

I need some Advil.

(PS: I promise to have a malaise-free post before I leave on Wednesday. For reals.)
(PSS: this is when I should be chanting "shanti, shanti, shanti," right?)

1 comment:

Beckylooo said...


Feel you on the sugar. My birthday cake just about killed me.

Have so much fun in Ari.